Elevating Email Security Standards with Topsec Inbox Protect

Topsec-Azure-inbox protect

Platforms like Microsoft Office 365 (O365) provide a layer of email protection, but by no means does this represent enough. The evolving nature of cyber threats necessitates a proactive approach to safeguarding email communications with a multi-layered approach.

What is Spear Phishing?

animated picture of hacker with mask sitting behind a laptop

Among different cyberattacks, spear phishing poses the most potent threat. Unlike standard “Spray and Pray” phishing, spear phishing is a highly targeted and deceptive form of attack. It integrates sophisticated social engineering techniques, often going unnoticed by its target. 

What is a DMARC Record?

3 lock, 2 opened and one locked

Explore the world of Managed Email Security and bolster your organisation’s email protection. Learn about the levels and services offered by third-party vendors to secure your email communication.

Managed Email Security: Why Your Business Needs It

close up picture of mail icon on screen

Explore the world of Managed Email Security and bolster your organisation’s email protection. Learn about the levels and services offered by third-party vendors to secure your email communication.