The comprehensive guide to Topsec's Managed DNS Services

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The comprehensive guide to Topsec's Managed DNS Services

By Cian Fitzpatrick | 28th August 2024

Today’s fast-paced business environment requires fast-paced solutions to keep your organisation safe. 

Malicious cyber actors rely on the speed with which business is done to exploit your weak spots. All with one goal in mind – to get to your data.

This is one of the reasons businesses require robust and reliable DNS management solutions to ensure their online presence is secure and continuously available. To do this purely manually would be an onerous task, and one open to human error. But with Topsec’s team and our technology at your disposal, the safety of your online presence is greatly enhanced.

No matter the size of your business, Topsec’s Managed DNS solution is designed to meet your requirements. And don’t fool yourself, micro and SME businesses are as attractive to cyber criminals as large corporations. 

a man coding on a computer

What is Managed DNS?

Managed DNS is the way we describe a service provided by a third-party vendor that takes over the management and configuration of your Domain Name System (DNS). 

One of the building blocks of the internet’s infrastructure, it’s the DNS that’s responsible for translating human-friendly domain names into IP addresses that computer systems understand. And can use to identify each other within a network. If we didn’t have DNS, you would no longer navigate the internet by remembering domain names, but rather by remembering (long) strings of numbers.

But naturally, your DNS service requires maintenance.

Our managed DNS solution does precisely that for you, ensure that your DNS is always up-to-date and optimised for your human users. Plus, most importantly, our DNS service keeps your organisation safe from online threats. It does this by handling tasks such as DNS zone management, traffic management, and DNS monitoring. This frees up your IT resources to focus on other priorities.

The Importance of a Reliable DNS Service

Your DNS system is directly correlated with how easy it is to access your website. It’s also essential for maintaining the security of your website and online presence. 

Haven’t we all experienced a website going down? 

The panic that ensues is entirely understandable. A website that can’t be reached causes revenue to be lost and can severely damage reputation.

This is why DNS attacks are a common target for cyber criminals.

The type of attack most commonly known is the Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack. This is where bad actors overwhelm your DNS servers with traffic, and make your website completely inaccessible.

Not on Topsec’s watch, however.

Topsec’s Managed DNS solution has a number of ways to thwart DDoS and other DNS attacks.

When you use our managed DNS service, you benefit from our expert team and our technology to recognise and handle complex DNS configurations.

Key Features of Topsec's Managed DNS Service

1. High Availability and Performance:

Firstly, the whole point of your organisation having a domain is to be accessible online. Therefore, first and foremost, Topsec’s DNS infrastructure is built to ensure your domain is always available to your users worldwide. 

Our global network of DNS servers guarantee fast response times, reduces latency and prioritises providing the best user experience.

For businesses that rely on their online presence to be available to generate clients and revenue (most businesses), this high availability is critical.

2. Enhanced Security:

Security is woven into Topsec’s DNA. And our managed DNS solution is no different.

By combining the best of our expert team and proprietary technology, the advanced threat detection we offer clients is unparalleled. Your risk of downtime and data breaches is massively reduced as we ensure your DNS remains secure.

3. Traffic Management:

Managing the user traffic to your website in an efficient way is critical to optimise your online presence. And keep both your website and your users safe.

We do this for our clients by offering advanced traffic management features. This includes load balancing and failover capabilities. These two services ensure your traffic is evenly distributed across your network of servers and prevents one server from becoming a bottleneck.

Why Choose Topsec for Managed DNS?

Our experience in providing managed DNS services for our clients dates to over 15 years, and we’ve worked with clients in a number of industries. We can guarantee our service can handle the most demanding of DNS environments. Our goal is to reassure you that your DNS is in safe hands.

Furthermore, we offer a scalable service to our clients, so the protection we provide to your business can grow with your business. 

No matter whether you’re a small business with a single domain or a large corporation with an intricate DNS structure, Topsec’s managed DNS solution can meet your needs.

The world is already digital, but online connectivity is only going to grow stronger and at a faster pace. Having a reliable and secure DNS service is a must have, not a nice to have.

Topsec’s Managed DNS service offers businesses the tools they need to ensure their online presence is always available, fast, and secure. By choosing Topsec, you are investing in a service that not only protects your DNS but also enhances its performance, giving you a competitive edge in the market.

If you’re looking for a managed DNS service that combines security, performance, and ease of use, Topsec’s offering is certainly worth considering. With their extensive experience, advanced features, and commitment to customer satisfaction, Topsec stands out as a leader in the DNS management space.

Contact us for more details. Our team would be delighted to help.

Ensure your DNS is always up to date with Topsec

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